
Rutgers University

BS Computer Science • 2020 — 2024

Relevant Coursework: Data Structures, Computer Architecture, Software Methodology, Design & Analysis of Computer Algorithms, Systems Programming, Principles of Programming Languages, Operating Systems, Distributed Systems, Discrete Math I, Discrete Math II
GPA: 3.9/4.0

South Brunswick High School

High School Diploma • 2016 — 2020

Relevant Coursework: Data Structures, Mobile App Development, Virtual Reality & Game Design, Independent Study in Artificial Intelligence, Multivariable Calculus, Linear Algebra
GPA: 4.4/4.0



Software Engineering Intern • June, 2022 — August 2022

Migrated the Twitch YouTube Exporter post-processing worker from AWS Batch to an ECS Fargate architecture to increase scalability, improving worker throughput and decreasing service downtime. Built out infrastructure around the worker, adding a DLQ for storing failed export jobs, an API to retrieve VOD metadata, and a client library for Amazon IVS customers.

Bloomberg LP

Software Engineering Intern • May, 2021 — Present

Engineered a user-friendly product to load test internal APIs that eliminated the need to write, package, and deploy testing code. Architected a KPI Dashboard used to provide usage statistics and deliver performance metrics for 650+ APIs and services company-wide. Scaled testing service horizontally, increasing concurrent testing capacity.

Bloomberg LP

Software Engineering Intern • Jun, 2020 — Sept, 2020

Developed a Python library to interact with internal and external ticketing systems. The library provides users with a simplified, consistent programming interface across all systems to streamline and facilitate faster automation building. Used various APIs, databases, and services to retrieve and update information, performed significant testing, and created documentation to prepare the package for deployment.


Software Development / Data Science Intern • Jun, 2019 — Sept, 2019

Created a tool utilizing decision tree regressors & ensemble learning to predict the reviewing time of various documents that the LEVERTON Platform supports. Machine Learning algorithm predicts based on historical transactions. The script utilizes a machine learning model to predict total reviewer time values based on a multitude of different features.


Developer • Python, OpenCV, TensorFlow, Sklearn

AR Sudoku Solver is a desktop application that automatically scans and solves a sudoku board using optical character recognition and computer vision. The project uses OpenCV to extract and overlay digits on the scanned grid, and TensorFLow to recognize digits with 97% accuracy.

Developer • Python, OpenCV, TensorFlow, Sklearn

A Chip-8 emulator written in C++. Chip-8 is an interpreted programming language that allows video games to be more easily programmed for 8-bit microcomputers. The main motivation for creating thsi project is to increase familiarty with low-level programming concepts and gain development experience with C++.


Developer • Python, HTML/CSS/JavaScript

ChanceMe is a web application that makes predictions on whether a student will be accepted to a certain university's undergraduate program (UMich, UIUC, UMD, Cornell, Georgia Tech) based on his academic achievements. The application utilizes multiple different machine learning models to make predictions, and is based solely on admissions data from South Brunswick High School.


Developer • Java, HTML/CSS/JavaScript, NodeJS

TiltPong is an android application that essentially turns a mobile device into a Wii Remote to play certain games (for example, Pong) via web browser. The app retrieves sensor data from the phone and transmits it across a server to a web browser that is hosting the game.


Developer • Java, Firebase

RendezVous is an android application that takes the location of two phones and suggests neutral meeting points (e.g. coffee shops, internet cafes, restaurants) between the two users. Initially starting as a basic hackathon project, RendezVous was developed into a fully-fledged android application.


Programming Languages

Java (Desktop, Android), Web (HTML, CSS, JS), Python, JavaScript (Node, Firebase), C (primarily for systems related courses at university)

Software & Skills

G Suite, Git/Github, Android Studio, Firebase, Docker

Additional Skills

Adaptability, Teamwork, Leadership, Organizing Events/Fundraising, Teaching Students


SBHS Robotics

President, Captain • 2016 — 2020

Competed at the international level in the VEX Robotics Competition throughout high school.

Assisted and supervised the engineering process, robot design, and documentation of six VEX Robotics Competition teams.

Developed a new member tryout and training process by creating a brand new curriculum, covering multiple aspects of mechanical engineering, programming, design process, and more.

Actively seeked out sponsors and organized fundraisers to raise money to cover costs of electronics, metal, competition fees, and transportation.